About Us
Responsibility to our customers and suppliers is our core value.
Quality, Consistency and Service has been the focal point of our business since inception, and distinguishes C&S Roasters from all other brands.
Our dedicated and highly trained staff set us apart from the rest.
Over 100 years of combined experience and knowledge in all aspects of the coffee business allows our customers to have peace of mind knowing that they will be given the best service possible.
It has always been our philosophy that an educated customer is the best customer.
We have dedicated ourselves to creating lasting relationships by helping our customers learn about coffee and the processes behind it and in turn help us to better understand our customer's business.
We make it our personal responsibility to make frequent trips to countries of origin. This allows us to:
- Evaluate the crop quality at harvest time
- Source and evaluate potential new suppliers
- Ensure the proper procedures are being followed at the farm level to ensure the best quality and most consistent product
- Ensure that the workers are being properly cared for
- Evaluate any changes in operation procedures and how they may impact quality
- Implement or assist with research and development projects
- Build strong relationships with our suppliers